It's Important to Stay Hydrated When You Are Spinning

You do not need a whole lot to get started in the sport of indoor cycling. We recommend that first-timers come to spinning class equipped with comfortable workout clothing, a good pair of shoes, and a water bottle. The workout clothes and shoes facilitate a productive ride. As for the water bottle, it is needed to keep riders hydrated.

'Hydrated' is just a fancy way of saying 'supplied with water'. When we hydrate, we are supplying our body with the water it needs. Every gulp of water from that bottle provides something essential that the body could not live without. In fact, about 60% of the human body is water.

It's Important to Stay Hydrated When You Are Spinning

Water and Exercise

Staying properly hydrated is important all the time. However, it becomes more important when we exercise. Why? Because the body loses a lot of water through perspiration and respiration. During exercise, both increase. You are sweating more and breathing harder. That means you are also losing water at a faster rate.

Your perspiration is made up largely of water. In a typical spinning class conducted at a moderate pace, you could lose up to a liter of water. You would want to replace that water as quickly as possible. But why wait until after your workout? Wouldn't it be better to hydrate as you exercise? Absolutely. That is why stationary bikes have water bottle holders.

Exercise and Dehydration

When you don't make a point of hydrating during exercise, you run the risk of dehydrating. Going one step further, you can reduce the risks of dehydration during a workout by making sure you are properly hydrated before you even start exercising. If you're not properly hydrated during exercise:

  • your internal body temperature will rise more quickly

  • your heart will end up working harder

  • your actual performance will likely suffer.

It is best to stay properly hydrated around the clock. On days you intend to come over to Mcycle for a spinning class, we hope you will make an extra effort to stay hydrated throughout the day. We want you in prime condition before you get on a bike. And again, bring your water bottle with you.

Water or Sports Drinks

Mcycle guests frequently ask us if it's better to bring water or sports drinks to class. There is no right or wrong answer. You can never go wrong with straight water, especially since your body thrives on it. But sports drinks also tend to contain carbohydrates and electrolytes, both of which are necessary to maintain peak performance during exercise.

Sports drinks are often marketed as having the ability to replace what your body loses through perspiration. There is some truth to that, but you are not necessarily going to do any worse in a spinning class if you decide to hydrate with straight water. Both options are equally valid.

Pay Attention to Your Urine

In closing this post, we thought it might be helpful to explain how to know if you are staying hydrated enough. You don't need an expensive scientific test or lab work. Instead, pay attention to your urine. It will tell you everything you need to know.

If you are properly hydrated, your urine should appear almost clear in color. Likewise, urine looks dark yellow or even brownish if you are dehydrated. You can essentially use the color of your urine as a scale to determine your hydration level. The lighter the color, the more hydrated you are.

You don't need much to get started with spinning. The most important thing is that water bottle. Make sure you have it whenever you exercise.