Why is Indoor Cycling Sometimes Referred to As Spinning?

Mcycle was established to provide a different kind of indoor cycling class that combines stationary bike riding with a full body workout. Though what we offer has been compared to spinning, it is anything but. In fact, most indoor cycling classes are not really spinning classes despite what riders call them.


'Spinning' has evolved as a generic term that consumers use to describe indoor cycling. But that is not what it is. The term is actually a trademarked term owned by a California company known as Mad Dogg Athletics. They trademarked the term more than 25 years ago for a wide range of products related to cycling.

Lawsuits in Europe

There was a time when Mad Dogg was aggressively pursuing companies using their trademark without permission. There are stories of them going after European gyms and cycling studios in full force. Back in 2012, a Czech company challenged Mad Dogg based on the belief that the general public had accepted 'spinning' as a generic word.

The company won and Mad Dogg was prevented from pursuing trademark infringement action thereafter. But the case was revived in 2016 when another court ruled that the original court did not follow the right procedures in making its ruling. Mad Dogg was obviously pleased and once again resumed trademark infringement action.

Like So Many Other Brands

Mad Dogg doesn't take kindly to companies that use its trademarked terms without permission. And why should they? They find themselves in the same position as so many other brands whose trademarks have become generic.

Brands like Google, Xerox, Kleenex, and Band-Aid are all registered trademarks. Yet they have become so commonplace as generic terms that enforcing those trademarks is nearly impossible. We would not want to be in Mad Dogg's position.

Our Cycling Classes Are Different

We do our best to avoid using the term 'spinning' and any of its derivatives for two reasons. First, we don't want to infringe on someone else's trademark. Second, and more importantly, our cycling classes are completely different. We have developed our own approach to indoor cycling that is unique to our studio.

When you take a cycling class at Mcycle, you are taking a class that is built around rhythm. We rely heavily on music to choreograph everything we do in our classes. Through cycling and other body movements, our guests get a complete workout in a low impact program that is fun and rewarding.

We are not afraid to say that we believe our approach to indoor cycling is the best way to go. And our results speak for themselves. We have no need to use anyone else's trademark to distinguish Mcycle within our industry. We will succeed on our own merits.

Spinning Wheel Go Round

As for why Mad Dogg chose to describe their indoor cycling as spinning, we don't really know. It could be as simple as the fact that pedaling a bicycle causes the wheels to spin. Maybe there's something more to it, something that has to do with the way their bikes are built.

At any rate, indoor cycling is a great way to get exercise and have some fun. We invite you to sign up for an indoor cycling class here at Mcycle. We have classes suitable for every level of rider, taught by experienced instructors who know how to get the best out of each and every guest.

 Feel free to contact us for more information about Mcycle Studios. We are a different kind of cycling studio designed around the concept of giving our guests an experience and connection they cannot get anywhere else.