Spinning Classes During Pregnancy: Are They Safe?
Have you ever noticed how ads pushing medical products warn women to let their doctors know if they are either pregnant or planning to get pregnant? Even over-the-counter products include special warnings to pregnant women. So many warnings might lead you to wonder whether or not spinning classes during pregnancy are safe.
In a word, yes. As long as there are no complications that would lead your doctor to recommend against exercise, indoor cycling is perfectly safe for pregnant women. In fact, it is one of several exercises recommended by the American Pregnancy Association (APA).
Exercise During Pregnancy Is Good
The APA states on their website and that "one of the best things you can do for your pregnancy is to start, or maintain, a healthy lifestyle." They go on to list things pregnant women can do to maintain good health, including engaging in regular exercise. Exercising during pregnancy can reduce the risks of:
gestational diabetes
hypertensive disorders
pregnancy discomfort.
As for spinning classes, they are ideal for both beginners and experienced cyclists. We recommend them to pregnant women with the understanding that they will observe some commonsense principles while doing so.
1.Speak with a Doctor
First and foremost, our perceptions of spinning during pregnancy do not constitute sound medical advice. We always encourage our clients to speak with their doctors before beginning. This is especially important for pregnant women. It is up to each woman and her doctor to decide if spinning classes are a good idea or not.
2. Inform the Instructor
Another commonsense principle is informing the instructor of the pregnancy. By nature, instructors tend to push their students to maximize the benefits of the class. However, moms-to-be sometimes need to take it a little easier. They need to go slower or take breaks more often. Informing the instructor ensures that both parties are on the same page.
3. All Things in Moderation
It is never a good idea to overdo it in the exercise arena. This is true whether you are pregnant or not. However, moms-to-be have to be extra diligent. Moderation is the key. Where a woman might have taken advanced classes prior to becoming pregnant, transitioning to the next level down might be appropriate until baby is born.
Moderation also applies to the number of classes a woman takes in a given amount of time. Where three classes per week might have been appropriate pre-pregnancy, they may not be appropriate by the start of the second trimester. It is okay to exercise less as a pregnancy progresses.
4. Avoid Standing on the Bike
Finally, we encourage pregnant riders to avoid standing during rides. There are several reasons for this, the first of which is the fact that standing creates additional intensity. In some cases, that intensity may be too much for a mom-to-be.
Another issue with standing is that it puts extra stress on some of the more flexible joints of the lower body. A pregnant woman already experiencing pain may be subject to additional discomfort when standing on the bike. Pregnancy is already tough. Riders don't need to make themselves even more uncomfortable.
A third reason to avoid standing on the bike is that it increases the chances of slipping and falling. That's definitely something a rider doesn't want to risk while carrying a baby.
To summarize, spinning classes are perfectly safe for pregnant women unless extenuating circumstances dictate otherwise. If you are pregnant and looking for a low-impact exercise to help stay in shape, we invite you to schedule a class or contact us to learn more about our classes.